Current Version
The current version of Jython is 2.7.4. It can be applied:
- By downloading the Jython Installer. Use this to install Jython as an application locally. (Descriptive metadata here.)
- As a dependency in your build. Embed Jython in a Java application using the snippet provided for your preferred build tool.
- As the Jython Standalone JAR. Download this to run Jython without installing, or as a JAR on the class path of a Java application. Some users cite this as a dependency.
For information on installing see Installation.
This version is supported on Java 8 (minimum) and 11.
Previous Versions
Previous versions of Jython are available from:
- Jython Installer Follow “Browse” to the JAR files.
- Jython as a dependency Select your version from the drop-down (from 2.7.2 only).
- Jython Standalone Follow “Browse” to the JAR files.
OpenPGP Public Keys
Release files for supported releases are signed by the following:
- Jeff Allen (2.7.2 onwards) (key id: 875C3EF9DC4638E3)
- Frank Wierzbicki (2.7.1 and earlier) (key id: 3979A71621665974)
You can validate these keys, using the installer as an example:
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys [key id]
gpg --verify jython-installer-[x.y.z].jar.asc \
GPG will report Good signature from [release owner]
GPG may also report a warning unless you explicitly tell it to trust the key. This is not necessary for one-off verification. The warning is explained here. The signing keys are listed above to allow validation independent of the file repository.