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Jython Applet Issues

  1. The Jython libraries add about 150K to the size of any applets. Due to the caching behavior of most browsers, this is a one-time cost that users must pay only the first time they download any applet (from your web pages) which uses Jython. Currently this problem is more severe as a result of Netscapes limitations on using multiple jar files for a single applet. This requires bundling the library and the applet code together. Netscape is aware of this problem and plans to fix it in a future release.
  2. Can't use "exec" or "eval" in (unsigned) applets. Because Jython takes the approach of compiling Python source code directly to Java bytecodes, it can only dynamically interpret Python code if it can dynamically load Java bytecode. This is currently impossible without creating a custom ClassLoader and this operation violates Java's security model. Any applet that wants to dynamically execute arbitrary strings of Python code must be signed and given permission by the user.

    This is much less of a problem for Python than it would be for most languages because the dynamic features of the language mean that exec and eval are actually needed very rarely in practice.

    I'm hoping that JavaSoft will eventually fix the design of the ClassLoader API to make this possible in a secure fashion. It is currently possible to kludge together a solution by shipping the bytes for the new Python class back to the server and then downloading them back to the client, but I can't imagine this effort will be worthwhile. However, the fact that it can be done convinces me that there is no inherent security problem with the functionality that Jython wants.

    If somebody has a really strong need for exec and/or eval in a Jython applet, it would certainly be possible to add this support. This would involve implementing a true Python interpreter instead of the current dynamic Python -> Java bytecode compiler. I haven't yet seen an application that is sufficiently compelling to convince me that this effort would be worth my time (not to mention the hassle of maintaining two parallel code bases - one for the interpreter and one for the compiler).

  3. When will Netscape truly support JDK 1.1?